I. Lewis Libby dagurinn

Irve Lewis LibbyIrve Lewis Libby var fundinn sekur af fjórum af fimm ákæruatriðum í gær. Þetta fannst íllgjörnum bloggurum auðvitað hið besta mál, og þegar ég las blogg í gærkvöld fann ég næstum engar áhugaverðar fréttir aðrar en að Libby hefði verið fundinn sekur, og hvernig við yrðum núna að leggja til atlögu við aðra skúrka í Hvíta húsinu. Andrew Sullivan, á The Atlantic skrifar um Libby:

Something is rotten in the heart of Washington; and it lies in the vice-president’s office. The salience of this case is obvious. What it is really about - what it has always been about - is whether this administration deliberately misled the American people about WMD intelligence before the war. The risks Cheney took to attack Wilson, the insane over-reaction that otherwise very smart men in this administration engaged in to rebut a relatively trivial issue: all this strongly implies the fact they were terrified that the full details of their pre-war WMD knowledge would come out.

Fitzgerald could smell this. He was right to pursue it, and to prove that a brilliant, intelligent, sane man like Libby would risk jail to protect his bosses. What was he really trying to hide? We now need a Congressional investigation to find out more, to subpoena Cheney and, if he won’t cooperate, consider impeaching him.

Nú þegar Libbu hefur verið fundinn sekur er von til þess að demokratar þori að leggja í rannsóknir á varaforsetanum. Eða ekki.


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