fim. 2.8.2007
Brúrarhrunið í Mpls vekur spurningar um slælegt viðhald á samgöngumannvirkjum, öðrum innviðum
WASHINGTON (CNN) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, said Thursday that the Minneapolis bridge collapse should be a wake-up call for the country.
We have all over the country crumbling infrastructure highways, bridges, dams and we really need to take a hard look at this, said Reid.
In addition to being the right thing to do, Reid also said that repairing infrastructure was good for America. For every billion dollars we spend in our crumbling infrastructure, 47,000 high-paying jobs are created, added Reid.
The National Transportation Safety Board is sending a team to Minneapolis to investigate the cause of the bridge collapse.
The American Society of Civil Engineers warned in a report two years ago that between 2000 and 2003, more than 27 percent of the nation's almost 600,000 bridges were rated as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. ...
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