fös. 6.7.2007
Bandaríkjaher tvídrepur yfirmann Al Qaeda í Írak...
Samkvæmt Examiner hefur Bandaríkjaher tekist að tvídrepa einn af yfirmönnum Al Qaeda í Írak. Áblaðamannafundi á mánudaginn tilkynnti fulltrúi hersins, með töluverðu stolti, að Said Hamza, hættulegasti leiðtogi Al Qaeda í Írak hefði verið drepinn.
Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner began his Monday news conference with a list of top insurgents either killed or captured in recent operations. He said they had been eliminated "in the past few weeks" and were "recent results."
"In the north, Iraqi army and coalition forces continue successful operations in Mosul," he told reporters. "Kamal Jalil Uthman, also known as Said Hamza, was the al Qaeda in Iraq military emir of Mosul. He planned, coordinated and facilitated suicide bombings, and he facilitated the movement of more than a hundred foreign fighters through safe houses in the area." All told, Bergner devoted 68 words to Uthman's demise.
Þetta væru auðvitað stórfréttir, ef þær væru ekki árs gamlar. Herinn hefur nefnilega áður drepið þennan "Said Hamza"! Fyrir ári síðan var "Hamza" þessi nefnilega á lista yfir Al Qaeda liða sem hefðu verið drepnir.
Uthman was listed in the 2006 news release as "the chief of military operations [in] Mosul."
When The Examiner pointed out that Uthman's death had been announced twice, a command spokesman said in an e-mail, "You are correct that we did previously announce that we killed him. This was a roll up to show an overall effort against [al Qaeda in Iraq]. We can probably do a better job on saying 'previously announced' when we do long-term roll ups to show an overall effort."
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