sun. 25.6.2006
Washington bannar skrifstafi í reseptum lækna!
Þetta er með skemmtilegri lagasetningu sem ég hef séð! Til þess að lækka kostnað í heilbrigðiskerfinu, og fækka mistökum lækna, hefur Washington fylki bannað læknum að fylla resept út með skrifstöfum:
Physicians barred from using cursive to write prescriptions
On June 7, a new law went into effect that could paralyze the penmanship-impaired. It says that if a prescription isn't hand-printed, typed or electronically generated, it can't be filled, Jeff Smith of the state Health Department explained.
Cursive is illegal.
... random samples of 6,000 prescriptions were collected throughout the state with help from the state's Board of Pharmacy. When pharmacists, physician assistants and others tested the samples, they found 24 percent to 32 percent illegible.
Öll fréttin er hér.
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:11 | Facebook
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