Nýtt kjarnorkukapphlaup

Það var aldrei að maður gæti ekki lesið fréttir um stórkostlegar nýjar tegundir af kjarnorkusprengjum! Í barnaskap mínum hélt ég að fréttir af kjarorkuvígbúnaði stórveldanna hefðu heyrt sögunni til í lok níunda áratugarins - en það er auðvitað augljóst að það er hægt að gera mikilvægar tæknilegar viðbætur og útbúa kjarnorkuvopn með nýjum fídusum, alveg eins og DVD spilara eða fjölskyldubíla.

Rival U.S. Labs in Arms Race to Build Safer Nuclear Bomb

The new warhead could help reduce the nation's stockpile, but some fear global repercussions
In the Cold War arms race, scientists rushed to build thousands of warheads to counter the Soviet Union. Today, those scientists are racing once again, but this time to rebuild an aging nuclear stockpile.

Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico are locked in an intense competition with rivals at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the Bay Area to design the nation's first new nuclear bomb in two decades.
The two labs have fiercely competed in the bomb trade with technologies as disparate as Microsoft's and Apple's.

The new weapon, under development for about a year, is designed to ensure long-term reliability of the nation's inventory of bombs. Program backers say that with greater confidence in the quality of its weapons, the nation could draw down its stockpile, estimated at about 6,000 warheads.

Scientists also intend for the new weapons to be less vulnerable to accidental detonation and to be so secure that any stolen or lost weapon would be unusable.

By law, the new weapons would pack the same explosive power as existing warheads and be suitable only for the same kinds of military targets as those of the weapons they replace. Unlike past proposals for new atomic weapons, the project has captured bipartisan support in Congress.
LA Times  13 júní.
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1 Smámynd: Villi Asgeirsson

"Safer Nuclear Weapons". Ég býst við að það næsta verði "Nukes don't kill people, people kill people".

Villi Asgeirsson, 14.6.2006 kl. 06:21

2 Smámynd: FreedomFries

Það var það sama og mér fannst! En, það meikaði reyndar töluverðan sens að búa til kjarnorkuvopn sem springa ekki óvart, eða er ógerlegt fyrir óviðkomandi að sprengja... Ég hafði bara aldrei leitt hugann að þessu, að það þyrfti að 'endurnýja' kjarnorkusprengjur, svona eins og bíla.

FreedomFries, 16.6.2006 kl. 02:30

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