Memorial Day

Á morgun er Memorial Day í bandaríkjunum, en þá eigum við að heiðra 'our fallen heroes' - þ.e. bandaríska hermenn sem látist hafa við að verja föðurlandið, og reyndar líka hina sem látist hafa í "baráttunni gegn heimskommunismanum", eða öðrum misklókum þriðjaheimsstríðum.

En í tilefni þess tók Daily Kos saman þennan lista yfir helstu leiðtoga republikanaflokksins, og svo helstu hugsuði og talsmenn þeirra í útvarpi og sjónvarpi.

  • President George W. Bush - served four years of a six years Nat'l Guard commitment, some say after daddy's friends pulled some strings to keep him out of Vietnam. The circumstances of his early separation from state-side service are still controversial (details)
  • Karl Rove, occasional Deputy Chief of Staff and alleged full time smear artist, escaped the draft and did not serve
  • VP Dick Cheney - several deferments, by marriage and timely fatherhood  
  • Former VP Chief of Staff I. Lewis Scooter Libby - did not serve
  • Secretary of State and former NSA Condaleeza Rice - did not serve
  • Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist - did not serve.
  • Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - did not serve.
  • Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay - did not serve
  • House Majority Whip Roy Blunt - did not serve
  • Majority Whip Mitch McConnell - did not serve
  • Rick Santorum, third ranking Republican in the Senate - did not serve.
  • Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott - did not serve
  • Rush Limbaugh - did not serve
  • Sean Hannity - did not serve
  • Pat Buchanan - did not serve
  • Ann Coulter - did not serve
  • Ralph Reed - did not serve
  • Bill O'Reilly - did not serve
  • Michael Savage - did not serve
  • Bill Kristol - did not serve
  • M

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